class psi4.core.RHF

Bases: psi4.core.HF


Methods Summary

c1_deep_copy(self, basis) Returns a new wavefunction with internal data converted to C_1 symmetry, using pre-c1-constructed BasisSet basis

Methods Documentation

c1_deep_copy(self: psi4.core.RHF, basis: psi4.core.BasisSet) → psi4.core.RHF

Returns a new wavefunction with internal data converted to C_1 symmetry, using pre-c1-constructed BasisSet basis

Ca(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction) → psi4.core.Matrix

Returns the Alpha Orbitals.

Ca_subset(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction, arg0: str, arg1: str) → psi4.core.Matrix

Returns the requested Alpha Orbital subset.

Cb(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction) → psi4.core.Matrix

Returns the Beta Orbitals.

Cb_subset(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction, arg0: str, arg1: str) → psi4.core.Matrix

Returns the requested Beta Orbital subset.

Da(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction) → psi4.core.Matrix

Returns the Alpha Density Matrix.

Da_subset(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction, arg0: str) → psi4.core.Matrix

Returns the requested Alpha Density subset.

Db(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction) → psi4.core.Matrix

Returns the Beta Density Matrix.

Db_subset(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction, arg0: str) → psi4.core.Matrix

Returns the requested Beta Density subset.

Fa(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction) → psi4.core.Matrix

Returns the Alpha Fock Matrix.

Fa_subset(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction, arg0: str) → psi4.core.Matrix

Returns the Alpha Fock Matrix in the requested basis (AO,SO).

Fb(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction) → psi4.core.Matrix

Returns the Beta Fock Matrix.

Fb_subset(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction, arg0: str) → psi4.core.Matrix

Returns the Beta Fock Matrix in the requested basis (AO,SO).

H(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction) → psi4.core.Matrix

Returns the ‘Core’ Matrix (Potential + Kinetic) Integrals.


Are we to do excited-state MOM?


MOM performed current iteration?

PCM_enabled(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction) → bool

Whether running a PCM calculation

S(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction) → psi4.core.Matrix

Returns the One-electron Overlap Matrix.

V_potential(self: psi4.core.HF) → psi4.core.VBase

Returns the internal DFT V object.

Va(self: psi4.core.HF) → psi4.core.Matrix

Returns the Alpha Kohn-Sham Potential Matrix.

Vb(self: psi4.core.HF) → psi4.core.Matrix

Returns the Beta Kohn-Sham Potential Matrix.

X(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction) → psi4.core.Matrix

Returns the Lagrangian Matrix.

alpha_orbital_space(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction, arg0: str, arg1: str, arg2: str) → psi4.core.OrbitalSpace


aotoso(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction) → psi4.core.Matrix

Returns the Atomic Orbital to Symmetry Orbital transformer.

array_variable(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction, arg0: str) → psi4.core.Matrix

Returns copy of the requested (case-insensitive) Matrix QC variable.

array_variables(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction) → Dict[str, psi4.core.Matrix]

Returns the dictionary of all Matrix QC variables.

atomic_point_charges(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction) → psi4.core.Vector

Returns the set atomic point charges.


Current macroiteration (1-indexed) for stability analysis

basis_projection(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction, arg0: psi4.core.Matrix, arg1: psi4.core.Dimension, arg2: psi4.core.BasisSet, arg3: psi4.core.BasisSet) → psi4.core.Matrix

Projects a orbital matrix from one basis to another.

basisset(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction) → psi4.core.BasisSet

Returns the current orbital basis.

beta_orbital_space(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction, arg0: str, arg1: str, arg2: str) → psi4.core.OrbitalSpace


static build(mol, basis=None)
c1_deep_copy(self: psi4.core.RHF, basis: psi4.core.BasisSet) → psi4.core.RHF

Returns a new wavefunction with internal data converted to C_1 symmetry, using pre-c1-constructed BasisSet basis

check_phases(self: psi4.core.HF) → None


clear_external_potentials(self: psi4.core.HF) → None

Clear private external_potentials list

compute_E(self: psi4.core.HF) → float



Base class Wavefunction requires this function. Here it is simply a wrapper around initialize(), iterations(), finalize_energy(). It returns the SCF energy computed by finalize_energy().

compute_gradient(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction) → psi4.core.Matrix

Computes the gradient of the Wavefunction

compute_hessian(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction) → psi4.core.Matrix

Computes the Hessian of the Wavefunction.

compute_initial_E(self: psi4.core.HF) → float


compute_orbital_gradient(self: psi4.core.HF, arg0: bool, arg1: int) → float


compute_spin_contamination(self: psi4.core.HF) → None


cphf_Hx(self: psi4.core.HF, arg0: List[psi4.core.Matrix]) → List[psi4.core.Matrix]

CPHF Hessian-vector prodcuts (4 * J - K - K.T).

cphf_converged(self: psi4.core.HF) → bool

Adds occupied guess alpha orbitals.

cphf_solve(self: psi4.core.HF, x_vec: List[psi4.core.Matrix], conv_tol: float, max_iter: int, print_lvl: int=2) → List[psi4.core.Matrix]

Solves the CPHF equations for a given set of x vectors.

damping_update(self: psi4.core.HF, arg0: float) → None


deep_copy(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction, arg0: psi4.core.Wavefunction) → None

Deep copies the internal data.

del_array_variable(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction, arg0: str) → int

Removes the requested (case-insensitive) Matrix QC variable.

del_scalar_variable(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction, arg0: str) → int

Removes the requested (case-insensitive) double QC variable.

density_fitted(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction) → bool

Returns whether this wavefunction was obtained using density fitting or not.

diis(self: psi4.core.HF) → bool




diis_manager(self: psi4.core.HF) → psi4.core.DIISManager




doccpi(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction) → psi4.core.Dimension

Returns the number of doubly occupied orbitals per irrep.

efzc(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction) → float

Returns the frozen-core energy

energy(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction) → float

Returns the Wavefunction’s energy.

epsilon_a(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction) → psi4.core.Vector

Returns the Alpha Eigenvalues.

epsilon_a_subset(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction, arg0: str, arg1: str) → psi4.core.Vector

Returns the requested Alpha Eigenvalues subset.

epsilon_b(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction) → psi4.core.Vector

Returns the Beta Eigenvalues.

epsilon_b_subset(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction, arg0: str, arg1: str) → psi4.core.Vector

Returns the requested Beta Eigenvalues subset.

esp_at_nuclei(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction) → psi4.core.Vector

returns electrostatic potentials at nuclei

finalize(self: psi4.core.HF) → None

Cleans up the the Wavefunction’s temporary data.


Performs stability analysis and calls back SCF with new guess if needed, Returns the SCF energy. This function should be called once orbitals are ready for energy/property computations, usually after iterations() is called.

find_occupation(self: psi4.core.HF) → None


force_doccpi(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction, arg0: psi4.core.Dimension) → None

Specialized expert use only. Sets the number of doubly occupied oribtals per irrep. Note that this results in inconsistent Wavefunction objects for SCF, so caution is advised.

force_soccpi(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction, arg0: psi4.core.Dimension) → None

Specialized expert use only. Sets the number of singly occupied oribtals per irrep. Note that this results in inconsistent Wavefunction objects for SCF, so caution is advised.

form_C(self: psi4.core.HF) → None

Forms the Orbital Matrices from the current Fock Matrices.

form_D(self: psi4.core.HF) → None

Forms the Density Matrices from the current Orbitals Matrices

form_F(self: psi4.core.HF) → None

Forms the F matrix.

form_G(self: psi4.core.HF) → None

Forms the G matrix.

form_H(self: psi4.core.HF) → None

Forms the core Hamiltonian

form_Shalf(self: psi4.core.HF) → None

Forms the S^1/2 matrix

form_V(self: psi4.core.HF) → None

Form the Kohn-Sham Potential Matrices from the current Density Matrices

form_initial_C(self: psi4.core.HF) → None

Forms the initial Orbital Matrices from the current Fock Matrices.

form_initial_F(self: psi4.core.HF) → None

Forms the initial F matrix.


Frac performed current iteration?

frac_renormalize(self: psi4.core.HF) → None


static from_file(wfn_data)


Parameters:wfn_data (str or dict) – If a str reads a Wavefunction from a disk otherwise, assumes the data is passed in.
Returns:A deserialized Wavefunction object
Return type:Wavefunction
frzcpi(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction) → psi4.core.Dimension

Returns the number of frozen core orbitals per irrep.

frzvpi(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction) → psi4.core.Dimension

Returns the number of frozen virtual orbitals per irrep.

functional(self: psi4.core.HF) → psi4.core.SuperFunctional

Returns the internal DFT Superfunctional.

get_basisset(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction, arg0: str) → psi4.core.BasisSet

Returns the requested auxiliary basis.

get_dipole_field_strength(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction) → List[float[3]]

Returns a vector of length 3, containing the x, y, and z dipole field strengths.

get_energies(self: psi4.core.HF, arg0: str) → float


get_print(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction) → int

Get the print level of the Wavefunction.


Given a wavefunction and a scratch file number, canonicalizes the name so that files can be consistently written and read

gradient(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction) → psi4.core.Matrix

Returns the Wavefunction’s gradient.

guess(self: psi4.core.HF) → None

Forms the guess (guarantees C, D, and E)

guess_Ca(self: psi4.core.HF, arg0: psi4.core.Matrix) → None

Sets the guess Alpha Orbital Matrix

guess_Cb(self: psi4.core.HF, arg0: psi4.core.Matrix) → None

Sets the guess Beta Orbital Matrix

has_array_variable(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction, arg0: str) → bool

Is the Matrix QC variable (case-insensitive) set?

has_scalar_variable(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction, arg0: str) → bool

Is the double QC variable (case-insensitive) set?

hessian(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction) → psi4.core.Matrix

Returns the Wavefunction’s Hessian.


Specialized initialization, compute integrals and does everything to prepare for iterations

initialize_gtfock_jk(self: psi4.core.HF) → None

Sets up a GTFock JK object

initialize_jk(memory, jk=None)




iterations(e_conv=None, d_conv=None)
jk(self: psi4.core.HF) → psi4.core.JK

Returns the internal JK object.

mo_extents(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction) → List[psi4.core.Vector]

returns the wavefunction’s electronic orbital extents.

molecule(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction) → psi4.core.Molecule

Returns the Wavefunction’s molecule.

nalpha(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction) → int

Number of Alpha electrons.

nalphapi(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction) → psi4.core.Dimension

Returns the number of alpha orbitals per irrep.

name(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction) → str

The level of theory this wavefunction corresponds to.

nbeta(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction) → int

Number of Beta electrons.

nbetapi(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction) → psi4.core.Dimension

Returns the number of beta orbitals per irrep.

nfrzc(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction) → int

Number of frozen core electrons.

nirrep(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction) → int

Number of irreps in the system.

nmo(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction) → int

Number of molecule orbitals.

nmopi(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction) → psi4.core.Dimension

Returns the number of molecular orbitals per irrep.

no_occupations(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction) → List[List[Tuple[float, int, int]]]

returns the natural orbital occupations on the wavefunction.

nso(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction) → int

Number of symmetry orbitals.

nsopi(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction) → psi4.core.Dimension

Returns the number of symmetry orbitals per irrep.

occupation_a(self: psi4.core.HF) → psi4.core.Vector

Returns the Alpha occupation numbers.

occupation_b(self: psi4.core.HF) → psi4.core.Vector

Returns the Beta occupation numbers.

onel_Hx(self: psi4.core.HF, arg0: List[psi4.core.Matrix]) → List[psi4.core.Matrix]

One-electron Hessian-vector products.

print_header(self: psi4.core.HF) → None


print_orbitals(self: psi4.core.HF) → None


print_preiterations(self: psi4.core.HF) → None


push_back_external_potential(self: psi4.core.HF, V: psi4.core.Matrix) → None

Add an external potential to the private external_potentials list

reference_wavefunction(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction) → psi4.core.Wavefunction

Returns the reference wavefunction.


Do reset the occupation after the guess to the inital occupation.

reset_occupation(self: psi4.core.HF) → None


rotate_orbitals(self: psi4.core.HF, arg0: psi4.core.Matrix, arg1: psi4.core.Matrix) → None



Do assume a non-idempotent density matrix and no orbitals after the guess.

same_a_b_dens(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction) → bool

Returns true if the alpha and beta densities are the same.

same_a_b_orbs(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction) → bool

Returns true if the alpha and beta orbitals are the same.

save_density_and_energy(self: psi4.core.HF) → None


scalar_variable(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction, arg0: str) → float

Returns the requested (case-insensitive) double QC variable.

scalar_variables(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction) → Dict[str, float]

Returns the dictionary of all double QC variables.

semicanonicalize(self: psi4.core.HF) → None

Semicanonicalizes the orbitals for ROHF.

set_array(key, val)
set_array_variable(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction, arg0: str, arg1: psi4.core.Matrix) → None

Sets the requested (case-insensitive) Matrix QC variable.

set_basisset(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction, arg0: str, arg1: psi4.core.BasisSet) → None

Sets the requested auxiliary basis.

set_energies(self: psi4.core.HF, arg0: str, arg1: float) → None


set_energy(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction, arg0: float) → None

Sets the Wavefunction’s energy.

set_external_potential(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction, arg0: psi4.core.ExternalPotential) → None

Sets the requested external potential.

set_gradient(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction, arg0: psi4.core.Matrix) → None

Sets the Wavefunction’s gradient.

set_hessian(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction, arg0: psi4.core.Matrix) → None

Sets the Wavefunction’s Hessian.

set_jk(self: psi4.core.HF, arg0: psi4.core.JK) → None

Sets the internal JK object !expert.

set_legacy_frequencies(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction, arg0: psi4.core.Vector) → None

Sets the frequencies of the Hessian.

set_name(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction, arg0: str) → None

Sets the level of theory this wavefunction corresponds to.

set_print(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction, arg0: int) → None

Sets the print level of the Wavefunction.

set_reference_wavefunction(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction, arg0: psi4.core.Wavefunction) → None


set_sad_basissets(self: psi4.core.HF, arg0: List[psi4.core.BasisSet]) → None

Sets the Superposition of Atomic Densities basisset.

set_sad_fitting_basissets(self: psi4.core.HF, arg0: List[psi4.core.BasisSet]) → None

Sets the Superposition of Atomic Densities density-fitted basisset.

set_scalar_variable(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction, arg0: str, arg1: float) → None

Sets the requested (case-insensitive) double QC variable.

set_variable(key, val)
shallow_copy(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction, arg0: psi4.core.Wavefunction) → None

Copies the pointers to the internal data.

sobasisset(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction) → psi4.core.SOBasisSet

Returns the symmetry orbitals basis.

soccpi(self: psi4.core.Wavefunction) → psi4.core.Dimension

Returns the number of singly occupied orbitals per irrep.

soscf_update(self: psi4.core.HF, arg0: float, arg1: int, arg2: int, arg3: int) → int

Computes a second-order SCF update.

stability_analysis(self: psi4.core.HF) → bool

Assess wfn stability and correct if requested


Converts a Wavefunction object to a base class

  • wfn (Wavefunction) – A Wavefunction or inherited class
  • filename (None, optional) – An optional filename to write the data to

A dictionary and NumPy representation of the Wavefunction.

Return type:


twoel_Hx(self: psi4.core.HF, arg0: List[psi4.core.Matrix], arg1: bool, arg2: str) → List[psi4.core.Matrix]

Two-electron Hessian-vector products
