
class psi4.core.GaussianShell

Bases: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object

Class containing information about basis functions

Attributes Summary

AMCHAR The upper-case character symbol for the angular momentum of the given contraction
am The angular momentum of the given contraction
amchar The character symbol for the angular momentum of the given contraction
function_index Basis function index where this shell starts.
ncartesian Total number of basis functions if this shell was Cartesian
ncenter Returns atom number this shell is on
nfunction Total number of basis functions
nprimitive The number of primitive gaussians

Methods Summary

coef(self, pi) Return coefficient of the pi’th primitive
erd_coef(self, pi) Return ERD normalized coefficient of pi’th primitive
exp(self, prim) Returns the exponent of the given primitive
is_cartesian(self) Returns true if the contraction is Cartesian
is_pure(self) Returns true if the contraction is pure, i.e.
original_coef(self, pi) Return unnormalized coefficient of the pi’th primitive

Attributes Documentation


The upper-case character symbol for the angular momentum of the given contraction


The angular momentum of the given contraction


The character symbol for the angular momentum of the given contraction


Basis function index where this shell starts.


Total number of basis functions if this shell was Cartesian


Returns atom number this shell is on


Total number of basis functions


The number of primitive gaussians

Methods Documentation

coef(self: psi4.core.GaussianShell, pi: int) → float

Return coefficient of the pi’th primitive

erd_coef(self: psi4.core.GaussianShell, pi: int) → float

Return ERD normalized coefficient of pi’th primitive

exp(self: psi4.core.GaussianShell, prim: int) → float

Returns the exponent of the given primitive

is_cartesian(self: psi4.core.GaussianShell) → bool

Returns true if the contraction is Cartesian

is_pure(self: psi4.core.GaussianShell) → bool

Returns true if the contraction is pure, i.e. a spherical harmonic basis function

original_coef(self: psi4.core.GaussianShell, pi: int) → float

Return unnormalized coefficient of the pi’th primitive


The upper-case character symbol for the angular momentum of the given contraction


The angular momentum of the given contraction


The character symbol for the angular momentum of the given contraction

coef(self: psi4.core.GaussianShell, pi: int) → float

Return coefficient of the pi’th primitive

erd_coef(self: psi4.core.GaussianShell, pi: int) → float

Return ERD normalized coefficient of pi’th primitive

exp(self: psi4.core.GaussianShell, prim: int) → float

Returns the exponent of the given primitive


Basis function index where this shell starts.

is_cartesian(self: psi4.core.GaussianShell) → bool

Returns true if the contraction is Cartesian

is_pure(self: psi4.core.GaussianShell) → bool

Returns true if the contraction is pure, i.e. a spherical harmonic basis function


Total number of basis functions if this shell was Cartesian


Returns atom number this shell is on


Total number of basis functions


The number of primitive gaussians

original_coef(self: psi4.core.GaussianShell, pi: int) → float

Return unnormalized coefficient of the pi’th primitive